Welcome to the Crew!

Farah and Charlotte, Lighthouse's Training Manager and Sustainability Researcher

After a busy start to the year, we are thrilled to announce two new members of the Lighthouse Crew!

We welcome aboard Farah Lodhi-Jones, our new Training Manager. Farah’s LinkedIn profile.

Farah has lived and worked in China, Kenya, Indonesia, Spain, and Italy on projects centred around climate change issues. She has an MSc in water resources management from SOAS and a research MLitt in Chinese studies at Newcastle University, where she later worked with Fauna and Flora International. She was Head of Department at an international school in Shanghai, teaching globalisation and sustainability; and is currently curriculum lead of hydrobiology and sustainable development at a pioneering UK-based charity called BEES.  Farah spent summer 2022 developing a Train the Trainer course, and delivering an extensive programme of Carbon Literacy to the Open University.  She is based in Italy, so her Carbon Literacy training is delivered online. Farah has now joined us as Training Manager, a role that will allow us to grow our team of Associate Trainers, and do more training of course!

Our second new crew member is Charlotte Doger de Speville, our Sustainability Researcher. Charlotte’s LinkedIn profile.

Charlotte is a recent graduate from the University of Exeter, where she achieved a First-Class Integrated Masters degree in Natural Sciences. Over the course of her 4 years at the University of Exeter, she specialised in Climate Science. Her interest in the subject led Charlotte to continue her Masters project research, which she is currently publishing in Environmental Research Letters. Charlotte has enjoyed a number of internships at eco-innovative start-up companies, and has now settled with us at Lighthouse Sustainability to develop her knowledge of sustainability consulting and Carbon Literacy. She will be assisting Farah in the development of new and bespoke Carbon Literacy courses. Charlotte is an invaluable member of our team who always makes sure we are running smoothly.

We are very happy to have these two talented women on board, and look forward to seeing what other exciting projects we have in store for the rest of the year.